It's always a busy time right at Christmas! We had quite a few parties to attend, Savannah's birthday to celebrate, and Christmas to enjoy. Our Christmas week began by eating lunch after church with our minister and his family. Then later that evening we took Savannah for her traditional birthday outing to The Melting Pot. Tuesday was our baby girl's 13th birthday! Can't believe how she's growing up! I guess I rid myself of the tears before her actual b-day because I didn't shed a tear that day. She and I went through her baby book together and laughed alot! She got the biggest kick out of one thing she read- when her baby brother was brought home from the hospital, she called him "Mr. Syrup". When I asked her why she called him that she replied, "Cause he's so sweet!". AAHHH! And they STILL get along great! Well- most of the time! But she sure doesn't think of him as Mr. Syrup anymore! HA! She requested chicken penne for dinner with a cookie cake for dessert. She loved all her b-day gifts. Christmas Eve was spent hanging out together. I was busy all day- doing laundry, bathing the dog, baking and cooking ahead for Christmas day. Conley woke us up at 6 am Christmas morning! That was a long day! They were thrilled with every gift- and every gift was open by 7:30 am! It was a very mild day so they spent it outside shooting Conley's bow and arrows and pellet gun. Savannah loved his bow and arrow set so much she had Gregg take her to Bass Pro to get herself one with some gift money yesterday! The kids have decided to pool their money to purchase a WII system. They are just waiting for the stores to restock since everyone sold out. We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Love you all!