I'm a bit behind on posting this news, but schools were closed last Wednesday and Thursday due to snow. Savannah wasn't feeling great due to her braces so she wasn't excited about playing in it. Conley, however, was beyond thrilled! Gregg got out the sleds and all the kids in the neighborhood played on them. Our neighbor, Beth from Tallahassee, took him along with the other neighborhood kids into town to find even bigger hills! He spent the entire day out in it! Rascal didn't want to play in it long, but Cici loved it!

Friday night we hosted the middle/high schoolers from church for a devotional and dinner. We made pulled pork sandwiches, then had the devo, then the kids played games all night. They were having so much fun they didn't leave until 10:30 pm. My neighbor, Sarah, said she could hear all the party noise when she went for her walk. Everyone had a good time!