October is my favorite month and I love being here in the Smokies where the fall colors are so pretty! The kids have decorated Halloween cookies. The day they did this it was about 65 inside the house and Savannah was freezing (notice the pink band over her ears in the picture). They are excited about trick-or-treating. Savannah is only going because she wants candy, but she isn't as thrilled about dressing up this year! She's growing up!!! The weather here has been gorgeous. We've have several cold days this week; the high yesterday was 44. We had frost on the ground this morning. We went camping this past weekend in Cosby. It was in the mid 30's during the night so we got pretty cold! I'm sure we won't be camping again until spring! Savannah said she woke up during the night to find Rascal in the corner of the tent shivering so she had him snuggle up to her and she covered him with a blanket. I am certain there was a bear in the area- I heard one of the nearby garbage dumpsters rocking back and forth for about 30 minutes. People in the nearby tents were calling out, "What is that?". I couldn't get back to sleep forever because I kept listening for any noises that could possibly be from a bear! Savannah is usually a light sleeper like I am, but she didn't hear a thing because she had ear plugs in! Well- enjoy the new photos! Love to all!