This past weekend, Savannah and Gregg were in Gatlinburg for Winterfest. Around 12.000 Christian teens and chaperones gathered to enjoy a weekend of praise and worship. Our group had 3 baptisms as a result. Gregg and Savannah both were worn out from a lack of sleep, but they had a great time! Conley and I had a fun and relaxing weekend. We went to dinner on Friday night then had his basketball game on Saturday and rented some movies. We woke up Sunday morning to a couple inches of snow. Conley wanted so bad to get out there and sled, but by the time we came home from church it had melted. You may remember recently that Savannah won a motto contest for the local rotary club. Her motto "Gorgeous Views, Great People" would be on the new "Welcome to Seymour" sign. They had the unveiling of the new sign on Monday. She made the front page of our local newspaper the next day. Here are some photos.