This month has flown by! Can't believe we're getting ready to start 2010!
The kids are having fun during their Christmas break and Gregg just wrapped up his vacation week. We went to Nashville for about 5 days and got to see quite a few family and friends in that area. We saw old neighbors/friends, aunts and uncles, and cousins. We took the kids to The Country Music Hall of Fame museum and to the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. It was a nice get-a-way trip!
Savannah turned 14 on the 23rd. Hard to believe she'll be in high school next year. We're so blessed to have her- she's a great girl! She had a slumber party last night. I took them to paint pottery in West Knoxville last night, then they stayed up all night watching movies and chatting! They didn't come downstairs until after 12 pm today. Now I can hear them in her room being silly and having a good time.
Conley has been playing his wii games just about every day! His neighborhood friends are out of town, so he's a bit bored, I think. He convinces Gregg to play with him as soon as he walks in the door!
Well- we have some news to share that will definitely bring changes to the Summers household as we know it! WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!!!! Sometime around the end of July/first of August is the due date. This news is still very surreal to us, but we are excited! The kids are overjoyed! I'm sure they will be a huge help!
Well- we wish every one of you a safe, healthy, and happy new year!