We took an unexpected trip to West Virginia due to the passing of Gregg's Uncle Art. We left Sunday afternoon and returned home late last night. Although we wished our trip could have been under happier circumstances, it was good to see family. We drove in quite a bit of rain on Sunday which turned into light snow by the time we arrived at Aunt Loretta's late that night. The next morning there was plenty of snow on the ground. The kids were excited to have enough snow to actually play in! Aunt Loretta had some snowsuits and boots for them to wear so they stayed dry. They played ALL DAY! Tuesday we awoke to even more snow- around 6 inches total at Aunt Loretta's house. The kids weren't able to play that day due to the funeral service, but it was too cold for them to play anyway in my opinion. We were able to use Arnold's camera to take a few pictures of the kids playing on Monday. These photos were taken early during that day, so they don't show the accumulation that came later on. Please remember the Summers family in your prayers as they mourn Art's death. Thanks to you all. We love you!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray for comfort and peace for all of the Summers' family. Love you all!
Trips like that are bitter-sweet. It is hard to lose a loved one but it is nice to get together with family that you haven't seen in a while. We are praying for the Summers' family as they try to heal from the pain of death. LOL- Becca, Brian, Makayla, & Olivia
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