Now it's time to play catch-up! It's been a very busy month! My parents came to visit us before flying to Alaska to meet their newest grandkids. We kept their little dog, Cici, for them. They were there for five weeks! They saw lots of snow and spent all their time doting on Gabriel and Donavyn. It was kind of a rough visit for everyone- Dad got sick, then Donavyn was sick with a kidney infection and had to be admitted to the hospital, then Beth got sick, then it was Mom's turn. After that, Gabriel decided he needed to be included in the chaos, so he threw a temper tantrum and slammed himself into a table- pushing his new top front teeth back up into his gums. OW!!! He survived after a short trip to the ER. Zach, unfortunately, was missing in action while the party was going on. He was on deployment for three weeks. We're just glad everyone is all better! While Mom and Dad were away, it was the kids' spring break, so we put the pups in a pet resort and went to Brooksville, Florida to visit Gregg's family. We had a good time, but as usual, it went by too fast. We celebrated Easter with them. Conley learned how to shoot a shotgun- which belonged to Gregg when he was a little boy. Savannah and I were able to see some old friends, Leigh Anne, Cora Lynn, and Savannah. They moved to the Tampa area last summer from Washington State. It had been years since we'd seen them, so that was great! Well, I'll post more from our trip tomorrow. The computer is very slow to load tonight.
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