Savannah is still recovering from her foot surgery last week. We take her back tomorrow for her follow up. We attempted to go see the fireworks on the 4th, but during the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra's concert, bad weather came and they canceled the whole show. We had borrowed a wheel chair from our church for Savannah and stopped at KFC so we could picnic in the park. Savannah got a first-hand feel at what other people with disabilities go through every day. Some people stared at her, others quickly turned their heads away. But there were others who were quick to help when we needed it. I could see the anger and frustration she felt when people were staring at her or avoiding her. At one point, I almost thought she was going to speak out. We were all disappointed when they canceled the show, but Gregg took us for ice cream so that improved the kids' mood. Our neighbor, Conley's friend Carly, came over a couple days ago with a tiny newborn bunny. She found it in their garage. She brought it over to show us so the kids got to hold it. Unfortunately, it didn't survive. I knew it didn't look very good when she came over. Well, I will post more after Conley's NYSP week. He's so excited. He had two homework assignments to complete before getting there and finished those yesterday. Love to you all!
Well Savannah, what big feet you have there! Arn't you glad that it is all bandage! Conley looks like he is up to something, like always, right. Sorry about the fireworks, at least you got out of the house and had icecream too! Sure am looking forward to you all coming, wish that Gregg could join you. Have a good time in college Conley, study hard and listen, cause it will help you in school. Love Grandma and Papaw
Savannah, I hope you are healing well and that when you get the bandages off it won't hurt too bad. Conley, you have a GREAT time next week! I can't wait to hear all about it. You are going to have so much fun, learn a lot and meet all kinds of neat people. Love you all and miss you.
Hi Savannah, glad your feet are doing better, they'll be healed before you know it. I'm sure you'll have fun at Wake Forest, and at your grandparents.
Conley hope your college classes go great, don't think you could get much smarter.
Love you both grandma and papaw
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